Temperature Dew Point Humidity Wind from direction @ Speed/Gust Rain today Barometer & Trend Current Conditions Fire Danger based on Chandler Burn Index City/Town
82 °FDP 53 °F37 %SSW 10 mph0.00 in
29.96 in Clear Moderate Alma
82 °FDP 46 °F28 %WNW 0 G 8 mph0.00 in
30.00 in Clear Very High Batavia
76 °FDP 50 °F39 %SSW 2 mph0.00 in
30.16 in Clear Moderate Hamilton
73 °FDP 43 °F34 %S 2 mph0.00 in
30.20 in Dry Moderate Lancaster
73 °FDP 51 °F46 %SSE 0 mph0.00 in
30.11 in Overcast Low Lebanon
67 °FDP 51 °F55 %SW 1 G 5 mph0.00 in
30.06 in Clear Low Newton Falls
76 °FDP 51 °F41 %W 2 G 3 mph0.00 in
29.94 in Sunny Low Athelstane
79 °FDP 55 °F44 %NW 12 G 13 mph0.00 in
29.92 in Cloudy2 Low De Pere
80 °FDP 59 °F48 %SSE 1 mph0.00 in
30.16 in Sunny Low DeSoto
80 °FDP 55 °F43 %NNW 5 G 6 mph0.00 in
29.31 in Clear Low Green Bay
76 °FDP 55 °F48 %WSW 13 G 8 mph0.00 in
29.97 in Sunny Low Plover
76 °FDP 58 °F53 %NNW 0 G 13 mph0.00 in
29.89 in Clear Low Waupaca
70 °FDP 48 °F46 %N 1 G 2 mph0.00 in
30.06 in Overcast Low Winter
Conditions data shown was collected from Fri, 11-Oct-2024 14:30:01 CDT to Fri, 11-Oct-2024 15:23:31 CDT
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